Number one tip for September

Hi Reader,

I've been an empty nester for three weeks now.

  • Week 1: I wandered aimlessly around the house, unsure of what to do with myself.
  • Week 2: I filled my schedule with students, keeping every moment busy.
  • Week 3: I nested. I cleaned out the mudroom, the kitchen junk drawer, and the infamous "water bottle" cabinet full of mismatched bottles. I even tackled the junk food drawer—no more half-eaten bags of chips.

Feeling inspired, I cleaned up my inbox, reaching zero! I returned emails, deleted drafts, and created folders for articles I want to read. My favorite part? Going through all those emails from colleges.

I forgot how much information I could learn about schools by reading their emails. I forgot how much I enjoyed gathering relevant information I could share with you.

So, as my three children, as well as our students, settle into their fall routines, my morning routine will now include a 15-minute review of our campus email inbox so I can share the news with you.

We will continue to post information in this weekly newsletter and on our social accounts. So make sure to:

  1. Join our Facebook group
  2. Follow us on Instagram
  3. Follow our College Talk with Eydie instagram for some light-hearted topics and important tips on the college admissions process.
  4. Avoiding social media these days, but want to hear Eydie's thoughts on parenting through the college admissions process? Fill out this quick sign-up form, and we will make sure you are added to our new Class of 2025, 2026, and/or College Talk with Eydie email lists. - Give us your child's name, and they will get tips and tricks sent to their emails as well!

I am riding this sense of joy into my weekly meetings with students, where I will encourage all of them to:

  1. Clean up their current email box
  2. Set up a college-only email to which all college-related information can be sent
  3. Sign up to receive emails from the colleges they are researching
  4. Set a daily or weekly reminder to check those emails ‒ diving deeper into areas they find interesting
  5. Create a note-taking system for themselves to keep track of the information they find
  6. Share any important visiting options with you!

I am happy to send reminders, tips, memes, and notes of inspiration directly to your students as well - if you missed the link above, use this form to give us their name, graduation year, and email!

It's not too late to sign up for these upcoming events:

Massachusettes College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Open House - September 21st

Quinnipiac University: Open House - September 21st

University of Maine: Open House - September 28th

Villanova Fall Preview Days - September 21st and 22nd

Washington University in St Louis - Discover Wash U - Sept 20th

If you can't make it to campus - make sure your child is checking their emails to hear about regional events - and their own high school's announcements of visitors from college admissions representatives. While these fall events are geared toward seniors, it never hurts for our juniors to attend a few.

For instance, we just received an email from the University of Rochester announcing they are hitting the road to meet students and even offer them a chance to interview in person!

And watch out for our announcement later this week - we are going to be launching a new page on our website - dedicated to Open House Events!

Until next time,


We just discovered a great page on Yale University's website. Even if your child is not interested in applying to Yale - check this out. There are several co-sponsored virtual events happening this month that your child might want to participate in.

For instance, Columbia University, the University of Chicago, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Michigan, and Yale University are hosting a joint virtual information session tomorrow, Thursday, September 12th. Admissions counselors will discuss:


Campus life

Financial aid

The admissions process


Are you in the Boston area and want to hear what it was like to go to Bowdoin University, Carleton College, Swarthmore College, or Williams College as a first-generation and/or BIPOC student? Join a panel of local alumni on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, as they reflect on the academic and co-curricular opportunities they had in college and how a liberal arts education uniquely prepared them for their work and life today. Register here.

Interested in talking with students who are really on the campuses? Dartmouth College will connect you to current students so you can ask all your questions about what it is "really like" to be a student there.

Did you know there is a National College Colors Day? I didn't - and am bummed that I missed this year's day (it was August 30th) - but don't worry - I'll have many more times to sport my team's - especially on November 1st, which happens to be Color the World Orange Day!

College Bound Advising guides families through college admissions with honest curiosity, careful planning, and a sense of humor, embracing the reality that every teenager is unique and that their discovery process should be, too.

288 Walnut Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02460
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Hi! I'm Eydie at College Bound Advising!

I am the founder of College Bound Advising, a full-service college admissions advising agency. My team of college counselors and writing specialists and I guide families through college applications with curiosity, strategy, and a sense of humor. Every teenager is unique, and their college admissions experience should be, too.

Read more from Hi! I'm Eydie at College Bound Advising!

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